Gül Sena Altıntaş


Hello, I am Gül Sena! I am a Computer Science MSc student majoring in Machine Intelligence at ETH Zürich. I am currently writing my thesis on Linear Mode-Connectivity at the Data Analytics Lab. During my masters, I was lucky to work with LAS and ISE groups at ETH. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Computer Engineering and Mathematics from Koç University, İstanbul in 2021.

My research interests can be categorized as empirical theory. I am particularly interested in how training dynamics affect learning and generalization.

I love teaching, you can see amazing organizations that I have been teaching with here.


Nov 10, 2023 Part of my thesis work will appear in the UniReps Workshop, Neurips 2023.
Jun 29, 2021 I will be starting my master’s degree at the ETH Zürich :mountain:.
Jun 26, 2021 :mortar_board: I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Koç University with a double major in Computer Engineering and Mathematics.